447-449 South Road, Bentleigh, Vic
Is DNS for me?
DNS assists in incorporating correctly the strength into a movement pattern. Therefore it is for everyone. All of us have imbalances in our body, a stronger side, a more flexible or tighter side when practicing DNS the body becomes more balanced.
If you are a Pilates enthusiast, you will find that several of the approaches in DNS can assist building a strong Pilates practice. Pilates is dynamic not static and requires improvements in motor control and breath. DNS observed healthy baby’s movement progression and based its approach on its findings. This is very similar to comments made by Joseph Pilates in his literature. It can helps with progression and control into a good Pilates practice. DNS helps reconnecting to the CNS (Central Nervous System) which controls our movements, it assists in developing better joint centration and improves breath control.
DNS is equally beneficial for those that do not practice Pilates. A regular practice will help to gain a more stable, stronger, flexible body to assist in day to day life.
If you are interested in a DNS session, please contact Eve directly.
It is a manual rehabilitative approach designed to optimise the control and efficiency of the movement system based on the scientific principles of developmental kinesiology (the neurophysiological aspects of the maturing musculoskeletal system). It can be used to rehabilitate an injury; it can be used to optimise the movement of an athlete to prevent injury or simply aid anyone on improving spinal stability and motor control. It has a big emphasis in proper breathing patterns and focuses on the alignment between the ribcage and the pelvis to maximise the diaphragm function. It was developed in Prague, Czech Republic by Professor Pavel Kolar, PaedDR.